Returnable packaging with perks

It’s better to Borrow*

58 million items of food and drink are sold in single-use packaging in the UK every week. That’s nearly one item per person!

Borrow* is a simple solution to reducing single use packaging for drinks and takeaways.

Cups and takeaway packaging are borrowed by customers, returned, washed and used again and again. Borrow* customers also receive discounts on their drinks and a free entry to the Borrow* monthly prize draw.

It’s that simple, and a great way to dramatically reduce the eye-watering volumes of packaging that only gets used once!

A circular system

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    Why borrow?

    Packaging is a global problem. The average lifespan of a single use coffee cup is just 15 minutes.

    Most of it ends up in landfill or being burned. It doesn’t have to be this way – we can reuse most of it. It’ll help save the planet, but it also saves money. So, Borrow* passes the cost savings on to its customers, because we all need to save money too. And, better choices can be easy. Our packaging is borrowed, returned and washed ready for reuse. Don’t forget about the perks too, which include instant discounts and a monthly prize draw.

    Let’s say no to single use.